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verfasst von Ihre Hoheit am 09.10.2003 um 14:30 Uhr
wenn doch nur jeder spam so lustig wäre, wie eben jener, der mich soeben erreichte:
"Welcome everyone, it's us again, now we extended our offerings, here is a list:
1. Heroin, in liquid and crystal form.
2. Fake currencies, such as Euros and US dollars, prices would match competition.
3. Also, as always, we offer widest range of child pornography and exclusive lolita galleries, to keep out clients busy.
Everyone is welcome, be it in States or any other place worldwide.
ATTENTION. Clearance offer. Buy 30 grams of heroin, get 5 free.
Prepay your batch of rockets (air-to-air) and recieve a portable rocket-lacuncher
for free.
This offer won't last! Only until 20th of October all our clients will also recieve
a pack of 2 CDs, with best selection of child pornography."
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