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verfasst von Ihre Hoheit am 13.04.2006 um 18:19 Uhr

And sche seyde sche was ryth wel apayd that it wer so. Than seyde a gret clerke whech stood a lytyl besyden the Erchebischop, "Putte hir forty days in preson and sche schal lovyn God the bettyr whyl sche levyth." The Erchebischop askyd hir what tale it was that sche telde the Lady of Westmorlonde whan sche spak myll hir. Sche seyde, "I telde hir a good tale of a lady that was dampmyd for sche wolde not lovyn hir enmiis and of a baly that was savyd for he lovyd hys enmys and forgaf that thei had trespasyd agen hym, and yet he was heldyn an evyl man." The Erchebischop seyd it was a good tale. Than seyd hys styward and many mo wyth hym, crying wyth a lowde voys to the Erchebischop, "Lord, we prey yow late hir go hens at this tyme, and, yf evyr sche come ageyn.

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